You will begin the Common 课程 in the first quarter of your freshman year by taking the 大学讨论会, during which you study and converse about an interesting problem or academic topic with a faculty instructor and student peers.
In your freshman year, you will also complete the first of three University Foundations courses. 在这些课程中,你将:
- 学习和反思基督徒的生活, how our faith is formed, and what it means to live in Christian 社区.
- 研读圣经, and how the diverse collections of the Old and New Testaments narrate the story of God’s redemption, 和解, 以及创造的恢复.
- 了解教义 important to Christians and the ways they influence Christian thought and life.
你的第一年因为赌博十大靠谱软件俩而圆满 学术探究与写作(WRI)研讨会课程.
Two additional Core courses, taken after your freshman year, complete the Common 课程. 的se courses look at the intersections of Christian faith with contemporary society and thought.
- UCOR 2000 -探讨现代全球体系是如何形成的, with special emphasis on the history and pattern of human inequality that mark today’s societies.
- UCOR 3000 — Explores challenging questions for the Christian faith that arise from science and modern philosophy.
的 探索课程, 利用科学, 艺术, 和人文, provides students with an opportunity to explore how various disciplines understand the world and the opportunity to apply this knowledge to significant social issues.
浏览 SPU本科生目录 这些课程的完整描述和更多.